So, tonight I'm going to make my big debut and announce myself as a newly-minted blogger on Facebook. If you're here because of said debut, welcome! I have spent a few weeks preparing for your arrival, and I hope some of you are willing to bear with me as I discover the art of blogging. Because I really want to tell you about this project I'm undertaking, the creation of Southwood Farm & Market. Link here to read the concept.
I have also, as of this afternoon, signed myself up on the Twitter. I have been tweeting all day, and boy are my arms tired (zing). If I'm not mistaken, my feed is to the right side of the screen, but if it's not you can find me at @brenda77ac, and please tweet me that my Twitter feed is not where I think it is.
In case it's not apparent, I am trying to throw myself into this project by means of throwing myself into the documentation of this project. We have been talking about this for many years, and everything is lining up to make this a truly great collaboration of exceptional people with amazing ideas. Every single time I talk about it, I get excited. This appears to manifest itself in the form of cornering innocent civilians and talking their ears off, so I'm hoping these little online manifestos can absorb some of my enthusiasm.
Plus, I'm hoping that by writing up a storm, I can wear people down and get them to read at least some of it, and perhaps by doing so I will find even more exceptional people with amazing ideas. Earlier this year I attended a really exciting event, the American Nursery & Landscape Association's Management Clinic. I know, right?! It was so awesome, like a Katy Perry concert and a deep tissue massage all rolled up into one.
My mom said to keep these a little shorter, so I'll just say that one of the themes was engaging customers with social media, and I am attempting to follow the advise of two speakers I found particularly insightful and engaging, Scott Stratten and Scott Ginsberg (interestingly enough, Scotts was a major sponsor). So this is me, putting to use my experience at this life-changing event. Please don't think the praise is sarcasm here, but this is seriously an amazing industry to work in, and the people I met were really inspiring. Although I might be exaggerating some about the Katy Perry thing.
P.S. I know that I use a lot of long and meandering paragraphs/sentences, but If you're going to read this blog, you're going to have to accept those as a weapon in my arsenal of sentence structures. I'm pulling all the big grammatical guns in this post. It is, after all, my big debut.
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